Course Description | Objectives | Schedule | Readings | Faculty Presentations | Papers |
LS 1 Project| Grading Policy

Frankenstein|Special Events | The Tang Teaching Museum Exhibit | Ecological Footprint Exercise

LS1 tutoring | Writing Center |Skidmore Guide to Writing | Scribner Library

LS1 Coordinator | LS1 Office |Discussion Sections| Faculty | Online Discussion Forum


Skidmore College
Liberal Studies 1: Human Dilemmas
Fall 2004

This Week in
Liberal Studies 1

LS 1 Problem Analysis Projects are due on Friday, 17 December. Check with your instructor for the procedures for submitting your completed project.

A selection of this year's Problem Analysis Projects will be on display in the Palamountain Hall lobby from Friday afternoon, 17 December to Wedensday morning, 22 December.